Dress Code

Dress Code & Uniforms

MECS does not have a compulsory uniform, but instead has a Guided Dress Policy. This does not mean ‘free dress’. 

MECS does not have a uniform however this does not mean ‘free dress’. We have a dress code document available from the office. The dress code is intended to allow students guided freedom and the opportunity to demonstrate responsibility in making sensible and considerate choices. Student dress should:

  • support the central function of the school – learning
  • be appropriate and comfortable for a school setting
  • support the health and safety of students, including abiding by sun-smart and hat policies
  • be neat, modest, clean and in good repair
  • not have images that are inconsistent with the Christian ethos of the school (e.g. violent images, skulls)

Class teachers check the standard of dress; students who do not comply with the dress guidelines will be followed up under our discipline processes. If there is a serious dress infringement, parents will be notified and asked to pick up their child from school.

Parents can purchase a uniform items here.