act of worship
I’m a bit curious about something. How many people who might read this newsletter article, are still pursuing the same career or doing the same job that you strived for, after or during high school? I am still in education and lots of my friends are still in the jobs they trained for. However, statistics...
Have you ever come across the word ‘ennui’? It’s pronounced “on-wee”, which I’m sure will make some of you giggle. It’s a French word that has been around since the 1600s and has kind of come back into vogue as a word to describe a sense of being bored or listless. It’s the emotion or...
On Sunday 25th February, I was commissioned as the new Principal of MECS and this was my response at the commissioning… It’s a big deal, isn’t it, to take on any job of responsibility? To me, it doesn’t matter if that job is to be the person in charge of the local IGA or the...
As I come to write my final editorial for MECS Matters, I find myself reflecting on what makes MECS and other Christian schools like us distinctive. What is the thing that defines and shapes us the most. All schools are in the business of formation… but for MECS, what underpins and shapes that formation so...
In memory of Timothy Keller Last week I stumbled upon the news that Timothy Keller, ‘Pioneering Manhatten Evangelist’ (as described by the New York Times)[i] sadly passed away in May. This came as quite a shock and prompted me to reflect on the significant impact his books have had on my life. As the new Careers...